5 Reasons to Consider Studying SEO


If the purpose of your higher education is to strengthen your earning power through quality graduate programs, you should consider studying search engine optimization. Being knowledgeable in SEO is good for your organic traffic, brand exposure, and best practices, and, most importantly, it’s quantifiable.

If you are not sure what online course is right for you, Merrimack College would be an excellent place to start. The online Bachelor’s degree and graduate educations programs of Merrimack College online courses are ideal for the challenging times of this digital age, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. Organic Traffic


SEO traffic is the best traffic because it has a higher conversion rate and a higher ROI, according to one of the leading Denver SEO companies. The number one source of web traffic comes from organic search results, which are a crucial element of the buyer funnel.

With the right SEO services, content marketing, and social media marketing, local companies can use SEO companies to get an advantage over the competition.

Through SEO strategies like keyword research, link building, page SEO, page optimization, conversion optimization, and the proper use of backlinks, business analytics, Google analytics and Google ads, specific advertising, etc., the right SEO consultant can take a local company to the next level, and in addition to generating traffic, generate some qualified leads.

2. Brand Exposure

There is a reason why “Google” is also a verb. When people want to find a product or service, they Google it. When a small business pops up in more and more keyword searches, or Google searches brand recognition increases.

A brand, however, encompasses just about everything associated with that small business by potential customers: public relations, online presence, content development, UX, UI, website design, specific advertising, etc. With an SEO strategy and digital strategy, properly integrated with the business owner’s web design and specific advertising, the potential customers and site visitors will have a great experience and be more likely to become return customers.

3. Best Practices

If you want your local business to have a strong online presence and make it to the front page of a keyword search, you have to keep Google happy. It is really that simple. Yes, Bing, Alibaba and Google’s other competition could be helpful as well, but 75% of your organic search results will come through Google.

Google did not get to be number one by maintaining low standards. Working with Google forces your small business to maintain profitable habits: a good UX/UI for site visitors, good web design and web development, good social SEO and market research, a good connection with your target audience, good reputation management, good technical SEO and use of backlinks and link building, proper deployment of business analytics and Google analytics, being up-to-date on the current issues, email marketing, sustainability, etc.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, SEO has become more important than ever, but competition in SEO has become fiercer than ever before, and that competition is not going to just roll over and give you page one of a Google search. However, for long-term gains, your local business will be cleaner, leaner, and meaner, thanks to the best level of excellence forced on you by your competition, the COVID-19 pandemic, and by Google.

4. Quantifiable

The success of any SEO agency, SEO campaign, social media marketing or online marketing campaign, digital marketing campaign, or even an individual digital marketer is quantifiable, especially with proper tracking and analytics. It can be measured in PPC, ROI, conversion rate optimization, organic search results, and a variety of other ways.

If you have the ability to produce real results for a digital marketing agency, social media marketing company or content marketing company, SEO company or SEO firm, etc. and increase online visibility or online presence, your insight and SEO services will be highly valued, and you will get an excellent ROI for your tuition for an online course for a graduate program related to search engines and search engine optimization, and your career path will be secure.

5. Building Your Career Path


Tuition for a graduate program is not cheap, even for online classes. Since 2020, the world has been rocked by COVID-19 and many people, small businesses, and even countries face an uncertain future. There are five reasons why you should definitely study SEO. Studying SEO will make you knowledgeable in organic traffic, brand exposure, and best practices. Finally, it is quantifiable with real results that will make your career path unstoppable.

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